Oven / hob / sink configuration

In this lesson, let's look at the settings of the oven, the hob and the sink.

Step 1: Select the module [1] and click the module editing icon on the left [2].

In the window on the right, edit the module dimensions [3].

In the same window, you can choose the materials and color of the module [4].

Step 2: In the right window, click on the menu [5] and select the "Oven" option [6].

Then choose the desired color of the oven and oven handles [7], [8], [9], [10].

Step 3: In the right window, click on the menu [5] and select the "Stove" parameter [11].

Then we edit the plate size [12]. Here, we also select the desired color of the plate and its grips [13], [14].

Step 4: You may edit the shell parameters [15], [16], [17], [18] in the same way.