Adjust the shade of floor and wall color

In this lesson, we'll consider setting the shade of floor and wall color.

1. Changing the shade of the floor color
Step 1: Click on the menu icon in the upper right corner [1].

Step 2: In the menu, click on the item "Floor color" [2].

Step 3: In the field [3] select the desired color [4]

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To change the scale and shift the patterns, set the required parameters [5].

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2. Change of shade of wall color

Step 1: Click on the menu icon in the upper right corner [1].

Step 2: In the menu, click on "Wall Color" [6].

gr en 6Step 3: In the field, select the desired color [7].

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To change the scale and shift patterns, set the required parameters [8].

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Editing kitchen walls and floor